Behind the scenes
Science not only needs to be done, but to be effectively communicated. That’s why Catalyzing Science was born, to help you bring your science to your audience and make science communication easier.
The goal is to make science visual and engaging, to tell stories.
Nekane Terrades
Scientific Illustrator – PhD in Medicine and Translational Research
Biology was my favorite subject during high school, but whenever possible, I filled my notes with illustrations and schemes to make any scientific concept more visual and memorable. When it came time to choose a career path, I went with science but continued to develop my artistic skills as a hobby.
During my PhD, I noticed that science communication was often overlooked, despite being a crucial part of research. I realized that combining my two passions, art and science, could contribute to effectively transmit complex ideas. That is why I took a postgraduate degree in Science communication and created Catalyzing Science: to help scientist tell their stories.
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